Monday, January 30, 2012

Hell yeah and the Chinese Bed

"Hell yeah, you left in here. So I was at wash my car. I thought it was quite a Chinese bed that you guys in my bedroom. I'll see you later. Bye."

     This is one from the other day. We had left some things at my mother-in-law's house and she called to let us know that she had our stuff. Now my mother-in-law is a good Christian lady who doesn't drink, smoke, and especially doesn't curse. In fact for a long time my wife got in trouble if she said the word crap around her house. But if you believed what Google Voice would tell us, instead of saying hello, she goes around saying to everyone "Hell yeah!" instead of hello. Why Google wants to besmirch my mother-in-law's good name, we don't know.
     The Chinese bed part comes from the habit my mother-in-law has of getting my wife and her sister's name mixed up and correcting herself halfway through. The result of which this time led Google to believe that my mother-in-law has "quite a Chinese bed." Maybe that was Google's attempt to make it up to her for trying to ruin her good name? Who knew that you could exchange a good name for really good Chinese furniture?

Actual message

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