Sunday, February 5, 2012

The "fantastic" 4

"There's people that were there friend that wants. They have confidence in. I believe I will be able to instill that confidence in the American people about away. I'm in this race because I care about. Americans. I'd like concerned about the very 4. We have a safety net there. I just need to repair. I'll fix it. I'm not concerned about the very rich they're doing just fine. I'm concerned about the very part of America that the 90 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling and I'll continue to take that message across the nation HI questionnaire Nevada sharing 4 okay. Hey Gary, or LA. Also right strangling the thanks Okay bye. Thanks. Bye. Well, you had to finish the sentence, so that I said, I'm not concerned about the very for that have a safety net, but it has holes in it. I will repair them at the the challenger right now, we we what we will here for the debt."

     Are you concerned about the "very 4"? You should be ;) No matter what side you're on, you have to admit that politicians say some crazy things from time to time. I heard this the other day and wondered, what would google voice make of this? This is actually the second political quote that I tried to run through Google Voice.  The other day I tried to do Newt's moon base quote, but for some reason it would never take.
     While it think I get what he was actually saying, Romney's choice of words was very "4" ;). At least to me anyway. I like how if you went with the the transcription above, it comes out almost the exact opposite of what he said. Maybe that's what he really meant, and Google has placed an "what I really meant to say" section in their algorithms to clear things up. Although, heaven help us if it has.
     If you have any other quotes that you'd like me to run through Google Voice, send me the link and if it's good I'll post it.

The clip I used

The actual message


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